The Washington County Libraries believe that having an effective library in your community means that library is able to do more for the community than just provide it with great resources. Libraries are no longer just buildings that house books. Today’s libraries are agile institutions serving real-life needs. They hold the key to fueling advancement and elevating the quality of life in Pennsylvania by supporting the types of knowledge identified as being essential for Pennsylvania Residents by the PA Forward program: Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic and Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy.
The PA Forward Star Library Program showcases and recognizes libraries that incorporate PA Forward and the five key literacies into their programming activities, displays and events as they are able to help their residents be more successful in all areas of their life. The STAR Library program offers three levels of STAR Libraries: Bronze, Silver and Gold. As a library gets better at incorporating the five literacies into their programming, they move into the next level.
Bronze Level Libraries:
Silver Level Libraries:
Gold Level Libraries:
Chartiers Houston Community Library
Citizens Library and District Center
Monongahela Area Library
Peters Township Public Library