Digitization Studio

The libraries in Washington County believe in strengthening our communities. One of the ways that we do this is by helping residents preserve their history. The Digitization Studio @ Citizens Library lets users take pictures and slides, old floppy disks, VHS cassettes and records and turn them into up to date digital files. You will no longer need to worry about your pictures fading. You can even watch your old home movies again!
LG external DVD Drive
External Hard Drive 1 TB
Sabrent External USB 3.5” floppy drive
Elgato video capture, analog video
Video (VHS) Player
Epson Perfection V370 Scanner
Flatbed Scanner
Digital Prism: 3 in 1
Photos (up to 5x7”)
35 mm negatives
1/4″ Jack to USB cable
To use this resources please call (724) 437-1165